A superb pair of George III Adam period carved giltwood girandoles

Very good proportions, crisply carved detailing.

Stock Code: 2563 - SOLD

Description: A superb pair of George III Adam period carved giltwood girandoles. The delightful teardrop shape surmounted with anthemion and a classical urn. The apparently original tear shaped plates bordered with open acanthus scrolls supporting twin branches and brass leaf form sconces.

Further Information: A lovely pair of very good proportions, easily fitting in with both classical and modern decorating schemes.

Condition: Excellent. Minor old repairs, re-gilding, mirror plates apparently original.

Country of Origin: England

Origin/Age: English, George III, circa 1780

Provenance: Private collection UK. Bought from Ossowski Fine Art, London in 1997.

Dimensions: Height 32.00 inches (81.28cm) Width 14.25 inches (36.20cm) Depth 5.50 inches (13.97cm)

Price: £10,900